Caramelized Onions

Caramelized Onions

Caramelized onions are delicious and offer a flavor punch to food. Caramelizing an onion concentrates the flavor and produces a savory sweetness.

Caramelizing takes time, you cannot rush it. You will need around 30 minutes or so.


  • Yellow onions

  • Oil (I used coconut, but avocado works well too).

Thinly slice the onions. A mandoline is perfect for this job or use a sharp knife.

Add the oil and completely coat the bottom of a large frying pan. Heat the pan over low to medium heat and add a layer of onions. Fry the onions slowly, you don’t want them to brown too quickly. I placed the frying pan slightly off of the burner, I pushed cooked onions to the cooler part of the pan once they were caramelized to keep them from overcooking (see the onions at the 30-minute mark).

Pizza, casseroles and sandwiches are just a few of the foods to put caramelized onions on. We have recently used it on garlicky grits, wow, it was delicious.

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